How to improve the relationship between the lawyers and MBD function

For lawyers, there is sometimes an impression that only billable work is worthwhile, and that marketing and business development (MBD) is ineffective. The reality though is that MBD is a huge part of being a successful law firm. Most top-tier law firms have an in-house MBD function and engaging a strong team and collaborating closely can significantly help grow a firm’s client base and revenue.

Here are five tips for creating a productive relationship between lawyers and MBD.


For Business Developers

Develop a deep understanding of what lawyers at the firm actually do

In an increasingly crowded legal sector, high-performing MBD teams should spend time with lawyers to develop a deep understanding of the exact nature of their work and how their teams operate. By knowing their stakeholders and their practice areas in this way, MBD practitioners can identify opportunities, guide strategic direction and even push back on lawyers with more credibility.

Communication is key

Understanding what lawyers do is vital, but finding time in their busy schedules to discuss business development opportunities is just as important. Lawyers often have different styles of communication – what one partner likes may be a no-no for another partner. Find out what suits a particular partner best – whether it be a quick chat by the coffee machine or an email with a detailed proposal and presentation. This can lead to smoother, more time-effective and productive interactions. Be aware though that miscommunication can easily occur as legal and MBD leaders often have their own vernacular and ways of approaching a problem. However, when harnessed effectively these differences can lead to better strategies.

Be opportunistic

Good marketers and business developers will develop a detailed plan for lawyers, but opportunities often arise unexpectedly which aren’t part of the original plan. MBD teams  should be open and take advantage of these opportunities and demonstrate agility when responding to new initiatives.


For lawyers

Share financial results with MBD teams

Sharing financial results can help encourage and empower MBD teams to better understand the connection between their efforts and the overall success of the firm. Senior partners should disclose more than just top-line financials including individual lawyers’ results. This way, MBD teams can work with specific practitioners to tailor-make their outreach, taking full ownership of the growth of their practice.

Freedom to be flexible and agile in executing MBD plans

The pandemic taught us all how to adapt to unprecedented challenges, and in the legal marketing world it paved the way for a fresh approach to engaging prospects. MBD teams should be given space to exercise their creativity in finding new ways to reach clients, whether this is through digital marketing, content marketing, media outreach or thought leadership. Having a strong BD plan is essential but a willingness to try new things can lead to impressive results.


Effective business development and marketing is an important part of a successful legal career. Lawyers must be comfortable with the idea that they are running a business they need to sell. Engaging and trusting high-performing MBD professionals will equip them with the right tools to help win and retain clients, setting lawyers apart from their peers.


Photo by Headway on Unsplash